Grandma Rose Sewing   Grandma RRosese
        First a little secret just between Abby and me - shhhhhhh!  -  don't tell anyone but Grandma has a little friend who lives in her computer and types Grandma Rose's words whenever she asks it to.  While Grandma has never actually seen her little friend, this is what she thinks he looks like: If you would like to see him fly and write some words on your screen, find the secret!   Grandpa Rose has one too but he has never told me what his looks like.

Before there was even RAM.........

        Long, long ago (even before RAM or Win 95 or email - we didn't even have TV) in a kingdom far away, Grandma was a little baby too!  (know this is hard to believe but its true).  Grandma was born on a very tiny island.  If you want to know more about Grandma's island, bet you can figure out what to do........Key West   Islands are great places to grow up on, especially little ones (Key West in those days was only about 3 by 4 miles big).  With a process called "dredging"  coral islands can be made bigger so Key West has grown a little since Grandma was young.  Key West is the last island in a long chain of islands that string like beads hanging off of Florida.  Here's a picture of Grandma and her best friend as a little girl on an island about half way down the string of beads called Bahia Hundai.

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