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Deaf Ministries Worldwide
Encouragement Today
by Diane Musil

(Diane holding her dog "Pup". Scroll down to see information about Diane.)


Hi Friend:

We have been exploring the "riches" found in Psalm 23, and will continue to do so for the next few months. We are focusing this month on the second part of verse 3. I decided to share verse 3 in two parts. I encourage you to read the past devotionals on Psalm 23. Scroll down to "Archives" to read. I pray that God will use this devotional to be an eye-opening, insightful blessing to you!

PSALM 23:3b:
"He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His Name's sake."

We all journey through many different paths throughout our life. There are sprawling paths, rough paths, bumpy paths, paths of confusion, paths that seem to lead us nowhere (same, same life journey).

King David, during his lifetime, was a shepherd, a farmer, a politician, a soldier, a king and a father. His life is a good example of the many different kinds of paths we journey on through life. He chose right paths and he chose wrong paths. It is very important the path we choose.

Our Good Shepherd's path is the RIGHT path. He is always leading us, and He wants us to choose the RIGHT path. There are benefits and blessings for choosing His RIGHT path.

We read in Psalm 1:1-6
of benefits and blessings of choosing God's RIGHT path,
but we also read of the consequences for not choosing God's RIGHT path:
"Oh, the joys of those who do not
      follow the advice of the wicked,
      or stand around with sinners,
      or join in with mockers.
But they delight in the law of the Lord,
      meditating on it day and night.
 They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
      bearing fruit each season.
   Their leaves never wither,
      and they prosper in all they do.
 But not the wicked!
      They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind.
 They will be condemned at the time of judgment.
      Sinners will have no place among the godly.
 For the Lord watches over the path of the godly,
      but the path of the wicked leads to destruction."

God's guidance is WHAT I AM not WHERE I AM!

"WHAT I AM" is what? SET APART!
In 1 Thessalonians 4:3 we learn that we are set apart for a holy purpose.
We are made for the purpose of having a RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD THE FATHER! Jesus says in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, the life no one comes to the Father but only through Me (Jesus)" He leadeth me is a growing relationship with God. He goes before us and we are to follow Him. HOW?

I think this is a good picture of HOW we are to follow Him. The shepherd takes his staff and raises it up high toward the tall trees that are full of fruit. The shepherd pulls the branch full of fruit and brings it closer to him. He is then able to reach the fruit. He grabs it and places it in his hands. He then walks quietly and the sheep follow their shepherd nibbling on the juicy fruit.

God leads us through the "delicious fruit" of His precious words. As we read and study His words, the Bible, we are fed spiritually and grow in our relationship with Him. The Holy Spirit opens to us the truths found in the word of God, and speaks to us, showing us what we are to do.

He leadeth us for His Name sake.

The shepherd has a reputation and in order to maintain a good reputation he must take care of his flock. If the shepherd is leading the sheep through the wilderness and he loses his flock to the wolves then he would be disgraced.

We can trust God, the Good Shepherd, who will not lead us astray. It is for the sake of His character, for the sake of His Name, that He leads all he sheep that follow Him safely home.

We who are Christians are to Honor and Cherish the Name above every name--the Name of Jesus. We are to show full respect and full love to Jesus' Name by our words/signs and by our actions.


SONG: "Precious Lord" by Thomas Dorsey (1932)

Precious Lord, take my hand,
Lead me on, let me stand,
I am tired, I am weak, I am worn.
Through the storm, through the night,
Lead me on to the light.
Take my hand, precious Lord,
Lead me home.
MY PRAYER: Father in Heaven. I pray that today, and each day, You will lead us into RIGHT LIVING for Your honor and Name sake. Help us to follow You, Lord, and honor Your precious Holy Words. In Jesus Name. AMEN.

If you have questions send an email


Diane Musil is a special friend of this ministry. I asked Diane how long she has been a Christian, and she responded, "I was saved 7/7/1977. Diane explains, "That is when I first became saved and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord!!!!" She is a women of faith and a powerful prayer warrior. Diane loves the Lord with all of her heart and has a deep abiding relationship with Him, born out of life's struggles.

Since the beginning of this ministry, Diane has been an encouragement to Rhonda and me. We asked Diane if she would be willing to write devotionals, which we could add to this website, so that other people would be encouraged too. Diane graciously responded, "Yes,".
Diane is Deaf and legally blind, caused by being born almost three months premature. Many years ago, Diane was visiting at the Retreat Center here and preparing to share in chapel. Diane was in the kitchen, and I happened to walk in on her as she was reading her Bible and praying. Diane had her Bible within three inches of her eyes as she diligently, slowly, was reading the Word of God. I backed out of the kitchen. That image of Diane reading her Bible has spurred me on to be faithful in reading the precious Word of God. Rhonda and I pray that God will encourage you as you read Diane's devotionals each month. Diane has lived in the Chicago area her entire life.
May God encourage and bless you,
PS: Would you like to experience peace, joy, and eternal life? You can! Click here.
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