December 7, 1997

          I have been given the assignment by my Mom, your Grandma Rose, to write about my life with my husband, Joel.  Moms always have this way about them and make us do things.  By the time you are able to read this, you will have figured this out.  But, you will love them in spite of this.  Honestly, I don’t like to write very much.  But, you are very special so I will write about my life with Joel just for you.  I also hope that by the time you can read this, that we have had too many visits to count and that all that I write down here will be of no surprise to you.   

          I guess I should get started.  I am your Mother’s younger/baby sister.   I will never forget this because she will not let me.  Being the younger one, does have its moments, but I am sure being the older one does too. Your Mom just won’t fess up to it.  If you ever have a younger sibling, remember that he or she is not here for you to pick on :)    

           I was born October 31, 1972 in Olathe, Kansas.  I am told that your Mom was mad because I made her miss her trick-or-treating with Grandma on Halloween.  Joel was born October 16, 1971 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.   

Now, I will just skip a few years...   

           I met the love of my life my freshman year of college (O.S.U).  I knew there was something special about him the moment that I first saw him.  I did not realize right away the way I felt about him, but soon it became very clear.  My college years were some of the greatest times so far.  Joel and I dated for over three years and were married June 3, 1995 after we both had graduated.   

          Shortly after we were married we moved to Tulsa. This is another town in Oklahoma about 2 hours North of Oklahoma City, where I grew up and where your Grandma and Grandpa Rose live now.  We like it here in Tulsa and have made this our home.  Joel grew up in a small town just outside of Tulsa called Sand Springs.  Some of Joel’s family still lives in the area.  We like to be close to our family and are very glad that we are only two hours away from Grandma and Grandpa Rose,  Great-Grandma Harrison, and Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Rose. But, when we want to go see our other family members, like you and your Mommy and Daddy, we take a plane and get there in a flash.   

          You are very beautiful baby and I am sure that you will grow up and be very special.   

Love always, 
Andrea & Joel
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